OK, I love pussy just as much as the next guy or girl for that matter. I love watching live sex shows as well, there is something so hot about watching a girl get off live while she watches you get off live too!
I went to visit one of my favorite cam girls the other day. I have seen her several times and she is one of my favorites. I am a sucker for her big juicy tits and nice brown skin. She really gets me going. She likes to watch me live too, she always asks to see my cam and she really enjoys wacthing me get off. When I was watching her sweet pussy she says to me “You need a materbation tool” and I said, ” I have one, it’s you :).” She says no really, I have been reading about this sex toy for men that is as real as it gets! They did a study ( yeah I know they do lots of sex studies…..why????? Because it’s fun and interesting ) Sceintists have determined that the feelings in your hand actually desensitize your penis. That’s why it is always so much better when someone else does it!
Ok, I will go have a look at this sex toy men. Hmmm, I dunno. She say’s ” I will get it for you.” “Well then send one my way!” I said. She says ” When it arrives come by my live chat room and try out your new sex toy” Sounds like a great plan to me.
A few days later the package arrives. It was in a plain brown box, very discreet, no one would have a clue that I had just recieved a sex toy! I open the package and take a look, Damn! It looks just like a pussy and it’s nice and soft too. 
Well I couldn’t wait to use it. I got my favorite lube and slid my cock in. WOW! This is awesome!!!!! All I can say is this is as close to the real thing as it gets and the good news is , it won’t talk back, won’t get pregnant, can’t give me any disease and feels fucking incredible!
So I went back to visit Sugardoll1. I told her I got my new male sex toy and she said get it out and let’s get off together! Of course I had to do what she said, she’s a hot girl and I am a guy who thinks with his cock. Her audio was crystal clear as she yelled ” Fuck my sweet pussy!” Oh man it was the best sex I have ever had by myself!